Saturday, December 20, 2008


The scenery around Cache Valley is beautiful on some days.  The camera just doesn't do justice.  I know Cache Valley can be cold and miserable sometimes, other times I'm amazed with how gorgeous it can be. 

This on the other hand, is not beautiful:
Last Spring Luke gave me some flowers like these pictured below.  They miraculously survived and thrived in our basement apartment that we were in with minimal light and cold AC blowing right on it.  
When we moved to the new house, the flowers were more accessible to the cats and they decided to eat them.  Luke was kind enough to get me more miracle flowers and I brought them to work so the cats couldn't touch them.  
Obviously you can see what happened.  Actually, I don't know what happened because I can't get them to come back to life.  I did nothing different than with my last plant.  That's probably a lot of the problem - I'm really not a green thumb.  
It's too bad because they really had such potential.  

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