Thursday, March 13, 2008

I got nothing right now

Here are two pictures, and only one can go on to become Philippines next top model. I am sorry I had to write that because Natalie loves that show and I despise it. Anyway, one of these is my brother serving a mission in the philippines and the other is a crazy monkey. They both look so much alike I can't tell. I just wanted to post something on our super cool blog thing.


Sandy Cove said...

Hey Guys-
Congrats on starting up a new blog. We are excited to hear about your guys's life.
P.S. we really need to go climbing together sometime soon.

Natalie | Make Today Great said...

Aww...Luke and Nata! I've always wondered how you are doing out there in the world! I'm glad you're still in Logan -- I miss that place sooo much!

We watch ANTM every week shamelessly. Adam watches it -- but in a one-bedroom apartment what else are you going to do?

Jen said...

hey girl it is jen hayes (pratt)...yeah remember the velvet? so I was actually thinking about you this week and wondering what ever happened to glad I found your blog! you look great!