Sunday, February 28, 2010

4 months!

As long as this posts on March 1st, then it is true to the title. I've totally become one of those parents who has a kid and that's all they ever blog about. Guilty. Well, for those who care, this is what Dax is doing now as of 4 months old:

-sleeps from 9:30 pm to 9:00 am (eats at 4 and 7 am usually)
-smiles a ton! and gets bashful after smiling at you
-giggles occasionally, we're working on getting this more frequent
-lifts his legs up, tips to one side and does this over and over until he's rotated all the way around
-loved formula from the first taste
-chews on his fingers and drools like crazy
-has very stinky toots
-loves to explore other peoples hands (as long as they're clean)
-grabs the toys on his floor gym and tries to eat them
-gets very excited, body stiffens and appendages flail about
-talks a lot, too bad we don't know what he's saying
-hates laying on his tummy, he can't push himself up yet
-loves his bath time
-puts his hands over his eyes and face when he's tired
-rubs his silky blanket
-loves his binky, probably more than anything else
-loves being kissed
-trying to master standing up

I'm sure I could keep going, but since Grandma is probably the only one reading this, and she already knows all of them, I'll stop there. We have his 4 month appointment in a week, so I'll post his weight, height and head size then. Until then, enjoy this pictures from his 3 month photo shoot.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Thanks Linds!

Lindsey got some great shots of Dax the other night. Here's a little smile:
And as hard as I try to keep the binky in his mouth and fingers out... it just doesn't work. I guess it's better than sucking his thumb though.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What's not to love?

I love this little guy! I mean, who wouldn't want to to kiss these squishable cheeks?
Dax is getting to be so much fun! He smiles a ton, but I have yet to get a good smile on camera. My camera has an orange light before it takes a picture, which is enough to distract Dax which ends all the smiles. Someday I'll get a good one.
I love when Dax lounges with Dad. He loves all the manly things that Dad does: watching football and basketball, killing bad guys in video games, etc. As much as I've tried to turn him on to Chick-Flicks, he just likes the manly action movies. I don't get it.
I've gone back to work part-time and it's so much fun coming home to his little happy face! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!