Our ward did a Relief Society Retreat last weekend and it was such a blast. Our challenge for the overnight retreat was to read the whole Book of Mormon. We split up and each read 22 pages and we actually got it all done! It was fun to have some quiet time reading and be able to work together to read the entire Book of Mormon.
Here's the group that was able to be there. It was so much fun getting to know some of the ladies in the ward a little better.
After coming home to a much needed shower and nap - yes, both were necessary - the excitement really started at the Demolition Derby. If you've read my blog, you know how much I love the derby's. Gotta love the crunching metal, flipping cars, and dirt flying in your face!
Luke even got off work early enough to make it to part of it.
And just in case you were worried that I was the crazy-picture-taking-maniac in my family.... you're wrong. I do like taking pictures, but obviously not as much as my brother and sisiter! OK, well maybe we are all picture maniacs.
Steve is now in Scotland for the next year with his lovely wife, so we won't be seeing many pictures of him for a while. Try not to have too much fun without us.