My cousin Nathan turned 7 on May 10th. He was pretty excited about it. For his birthday, my mom got him a ream of paper, a stapler and some colored staples. Now this may not sound exciting to your average 7 year old, but he was pretty stoked. He's really artistic and loves creating things. Happy Birthday Nathan!

Luke surprised me last Friday by making a huge meal for us, all by himself. We had stakes, yams, carrots, potatoes, salad. I was pretty impressed. The best part about it was that I didn't have to do any of the work. I love my husband.

These are flowers that my dad gave my mom for mothers day. I thought they were pretty and worth taking a picture of.

And the most excited part of the weekend was catching a raccoon. He sure looked cute when he gave us those big puppy-dog eyes. But when we tried to shove food down the holes he about took our hands off. And since he was drooling, we figured gambling for rabies is probably not the best idea.